A study of the course of COVID-19 infection in Iraqi societies, it’s most widespread symptoms and the best methods used for recovery
Author(s): Israa Saad Al-Atiyah, Mohammed Abdul-Hassan Hussein and Enas Mizhir Saaed
Abstract: Introduction: The new pandemic outbreak of COVID-19 caused by the coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), ranging from mild to severe Respiratory Syndrome, has posed a serious health threat, and pushed the global death toll to over 1,701,627 till December 2020. However, in Iraq, the increasing number of COVID-19 incidence is faced by increasing in the cases of recovery.
Objectives: To assess the initial and most severe symptoms, the infection routes, the time period needed to get recovery, and the ways of treatment used to get to the full clinical recovery (symptoms disappearance).
Method: A cross-sectional study which included 639 participants in Iraq. The data collection that started from July to November 2020, was done by an electronic version of a special formed questionnaire, in Arabic language, which was introduced to different Iraqi population through Google-forms. The forma was distributed in the internet media especially through Facebook and other social Medias. Data were analyzed by frequencies, Mean and percentages.
Result: The study showed that the most recovered group (57.9%) were aged between 18-29 years, and the most possible causes of the infection (51.5%) was happened after getting -in close contact- with other positively infected patients. Considering the testing technique or the way that was used to confirm the SARS-CoV-2 infection, more than (40%) assumed that staying in -close contact- with symptomatic COVID-19 patient was the way that their positive infection was assured. The collected data about Illness Presentation (early symptoms) showed that (70.4%) had raised body temperature (fever), Followed by (66.7%) who showed severe headache, the 3rd most revealed symptom was Pain and body aches which was presented in (63.7%) of the participants. Moreover, the most severe symptoms were Pain and body aches and/or weakness (57.6%) of the participants. Regarding the SpO2 (Oxygen saturation in blood), the study revealed that (65.7%) had High SpO2 level (95% or more). Dealing with the Time period needed from the onset of the symptoms till the clinical recovery Most of the patients (48.7%) took about 7-14 days till the end of the symptoms. Most of the participants (83.9%) had no systemic diseases or health problem. Dealing with medications that were used during the infection, most of the participants used Azithromycin (72.2%), and (54%) of them used paracetamol, and more than (50%) used different Vitamin supplements (as Vit. C, D, Zinc and Omega-3). Considering the quarantine (isolation) for patients during the infection period, the study data revealed that (92.6%) of the participants were quarantined at home.
Conclusion: Most of the recovered patients had mild and moderate symptoms, high oxygen level, with illness period between 7-14 days. Most of the participants needed simple and available medications and supplements to have full clinical recovery.
DOI: 10.22271/27069567.2024.v6.i1a.536Pages: 33-39 | Views: 445 | Downloads: 130Download Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Israa Saad Al-Atiyah, Mohammed Abdul-Hassan Hussein, Enas Mizhir Saaed.
A study of the course of COVID-19 infection in Iraqi societies, it’s most widespread symptoms and the best methods used for recovery. Int J Adv Res Med 2024;6(1):33-39. DOI: