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International Journal of Advanced Research in Medicine
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2022, Vol. 4, Issue 2, Part A

A study on resilience and social support in bipolar affective disorder patients in remission visiting a tertiary care centre

Author(s): Dr. Arunima R and Dr. Yashwanth G

Introduction: Bipolar affective disorder is one of the most complex psychiatric conditions characterized by recurrent mood episodes and longitudinally varied courses. It affects at least 1% of the population. Even though it is an episodic illness patients face many challenges during inter episodic period. The study aims to investigate social support by BPAD patients in remission and how it affect the resilience in them.
Methodology: Cross sectional study.275 BPAD patients in remission were evaluated using semi-structured socio demographic perfoma, Connor-Davidson Resilience 25 item scale and Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support
Result: Study showed majority of the patients had moderate resilience. Patients had highest support from family and lowest support from friends.
There was significant association between perceived social support and resilience in. the patients of BPAD.
Conclusion: Higher perceived social support enhance resilience in patients of bipolar affective disorder.

DOI: 10.22271/27069567.2022.v4.i1d.386

Pages: 01-05 | Views: 1099 | Downloads: 492

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International Journal of Advanced Research in Medicine
How to cite this article:
Dr. Arunima R, Dr. Yashwanth G. A study on resilience and social support in bipolar affective disorder patients in remission visiting a tertiary care centre. Int J Adv Res Med 2022;4(2):01-05. DOI: 10.22271/27069567.2022.v4.i1d.386
International Journal of Advanced Research in Medicine
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