Comparing antimicrobial action of paracetamol to different potencies of baptisia tinctoria and belladonna
Author(s): Gayathri Acharya, Umesh Mohan CS and Pranamya Jain
Abstract: Scientists currently debate the future of nanotechnology may be able to create many new materials and devices with vast range of application such as in nano medicine. The potency of homoeopathic medications increases with potentization. The thrown challenge to scientific community at large with the good clinical results. As we found that the homoeopathic medicine Baptisia tinctoria and Belladonna had shown good results on fever. According to calculation using avogadro's limit, preparations above 12C dilutions should have no source materials present. Even though 1M, 30C were above the Avogadro’s limit they showed the presence of photochemical like glycosides, proteins and also showed good antimicrobial activity.
Gayathri Acharya, Umesh Mohan CS, Pranamya Jain. Comparing antimicrobial action of paracetamol to different potencies of baptisia tinctoria and belladonna. Int J Adv Res Med 2022;4(1):107-113. DOI: 10.22271/27069567.2022.v4.i1b.346