A study of seroprevalence of co-infections among blood donors
Author(s): Dr. Prashantha Balanthimogru and Dr. Zenobia D Souza
Abstract: Blood donation is considered as the most important noble work that can be done in today’s world. This simple thing can save lives. But the risk involved in this has to be understood. The most important being the immediate side effects being the immunological reactions and also the long term effects. The most important being the blood borne infections. The most important infections that can be thought about are the HIV, HBV, HBC, Malaria, syphilis and the list goes on. But these are the most important and if not checked can be a very risky affair. Getting one infection in the blood is a known affair but co-infections is also a possibility which means if the person gets this infusion it could be deadly.
Dr. Prashantha Balanthimogru, Dr. Zenobia D Souza. A study of seroprevalence of co-infections among blood donors. Int J Adv Res Med 2021;3(2):218-219. DOI: 10.22271/27069567.2021.v3.i2d.248