Common allergens causing Naso bronchial allergy in patients attending a tertiary care centre in South India
Author(s): Shameem N, Krishna Kumar MK and Bhaskar MK
Abstract: Introduction: Patients who seek medical care because of the symptoms of naso bronchial allergies are increasing. The distribution of allergens and its effect on the population differs in different parts of India. For the management and effective treatment of allergen induced respiratory illnesses, it is very important to find out the specific allergens responsible. To determine the common allergens causing naso-bronchial allergy in atopic patients.
Materials and Methods: Atopic patients who attended a tertiary care centre as outpatients for an year with symptoms of naso-bronchial allergy for more than a year who were not responding to regular medications were selected for the study after taking a detailed history. An intradermal allergy test was done in the volar aspect of the patients arm and forearm with antigens of the common allergens prevalent in south India.
Results: Out of 51patients tested by 39 allergens, 47 persons turned positive for at least one antigen. Among pollen antigens, Acacia species showed highest number of positive reactions. Among dust, house dust and wheat dust showed higher positivity. Among antigens of animal origin, house fly was highest and among fungal origin, Aspergillus fumigatius showed high positivity.
Conclusion: The commonest antigen identified was that of house dust followed by house fly.
DOI: 10.22271/27069567.2020.v2.i2d.73Pages: 232-235 | Views: 1644 | Downloads: 633Download Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Shameem N, Krishna Kumar MK, Bhaskar MK.
Common allergens causing Naso bronchial allergy in patients attending a tertiary care centre in South India. Int J Adv Res Med 2020;2(2):232-235. DOI: