Clinical and endoscopic profile in acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding in tertiary health care centre- a retrospective study
Author(s): Vinita Chaudhary, Dr. P Sirohi, Dr. Rajesh Kumar, Ashish Joshi and Dr. Jitendra Acharya
Abstract: Background: Acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIB) is a common medical emergency characterised by haematemesis and/or melaena. All patients presenting with UGIB require prompt assessment using a validated assessment tool. Early assessment identifies patients at high risk of death, of further bleeding and those requiring intervention, including surgery.
Aim of the study: To study clinical and endoscopic profile in acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding in tertiary health care centre.
Materials and methods: The present study reviewed medical records of 100 patients who presented to the outpatient department with upper GI bleeding and underwent GI endoscopy. The age of the participants selected was more than 18 years. Clinical and endoscopic data of these patients was compiled and analysed.
Results: Number of male patients in study group was 79 and number of female patients was 21. The mean age was 50.16 years. It was seen that esophageal varices is the most common findings (33%) followed by peptic ulcer disease (31%). The least common finding was malignancy which was present in only 2 % patients.
Conclusion: Within the limitations of the present study, it can be concluded that esophageal varices was the most common finding followed by peptic ulcer disease in our study population. Malignancy was least common finding.
DOI: 10.22271/27069567.2020.v2.i2c.66Pages: 180-182 | Views: 1351 | Downloads: 503Download Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Vinita Chaudhary, Dr. P Sirohi, Dr. Rajesh Kumar, Ashish Joshi, Dr. Jitendra Acharya.
Clinical and endoscopic profile in acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding in tertiary health care centre- a retrospective study. Int J Adv Res Med 2020;2(2):180-182. DOI: