A hospital based assessment of the thyroid profile, HS-CRP and lipid profile in newly detected hypothyroid adults: Case control study
Author(s): Dr. P Hanumantha Rao and Dr. G Murali Mohan Reddy
Abstract: Aim: To determine and compare the thyroid profile, lipid parameters and high sensitive C- reactive protein in the study subjects.
Methodology: The study was a cross sectional study which was carried in the Department of Medicine, Department of General Medicine, Mamatha Medical College, Khammam, Telangana, India. Total 100 patients were divided into 2 groups. In Group-1: 50 newly detected hypothyroid adults and Group 2: Controls-50 normal healthy adults within same age group. Serum TSH, FT3 and FT4 by CLIA, Serum high sensitive C reactive protein by Immunoturbidimetric assay and Lipid parameters analyzed in Erba EM360 autoanalyzer, Serum TG: GPO Method, HDL and LDL cholesterol by precipitation method, Total cholesterol by cholesterol oxidase – peroxidase method were investigated. Blood samples were collected with full aseptic precautions after obtaining informed consent. Clot activator that contains vacuum evacuated tubes for analysis of serum TSH, FT3, FT4, TC, HDL-c, LDL-c, TG, hs-CRP. Then after collection, serum samples were stored at -20º until analyzed. Anthropometric measurements for BMI, height (cm) and body weight (kg) were measured.
Results: The mean age of cases and controls in our study was found to be 32.45±13.54 years and 33.54±12.03 years respectively (p= 0.67). Approximately 80% of cases and 74% of controls were females depicting a female preponderance. BMI values in the study were higher in cases (32.57± 8.23 kg/m
2) compared to controls (29.46± 9.36 kg/m
2) and was statistically significant (P = 0.02). In the study, the mean TSH levels (15.34 ± 8.3 µIU/ml) of cases were high compared to controls (3.9 ± 1.54µIU/ml) and was statistically significant (
p< 0.001). The mean serum hs - CRP levels in both the study groups was within the reference range, but it was high and statistically significant in cases than in control. The total cholesterol level in cases (179.34 ±45.58 mg/dl) and control (191.67±31.76 mg/dl) were within the reference range and there was no statistical significance (p = 0.79). Further it was found that HDL-c in cases (49.64±10.47 mg/dl) and control (55.75±4.8 mg/dl) were found to be lower in cases compared to controls and the difference was statistically significant (
p< 0.001). The mean LDLc value in cases (150.47± 38.68 mg/dl) and control (139.68±36.56 mg/dl) was high in cases and the difference was statistically significant (p=0.01).
Conclusion: From this study, it can be concluded that the hypertriglyceridemia and at risk hs-CRP levels though seen in hypothyroid cases were more prominent in CH cases than SCH. ANOVA test showed that the difference in the mean between TSH and hs–CRP was found to be statistically significant. Hypothyroidism (CH & SCH) is common among females and is associated with mild dyslipidemia and low-grade inflammation. Moreover subclinical hypothyroidism is more common than clinical hypothyroidism.
DOI: 10.22271/27069567.2019.v1.i2b.340Pages: 123-126 | Views: 877 | Downloads: 286Download Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Dr. P Hanumantha Rao, Dr. G Murali Mohan Reddy.
A hospital based assessment of the thyroid profile, HS-CRP and lipid profile in newly detected hypothyroid adults: Case control study. Int J Adv Res Med 2019;1(2):123-126. DOI: