Abstract:Purpose: Assess American knowledge and attitudes about emergency contraceptives and knowledge, Obstetrics and Gynecology Attitudes and Practices Respect for emergency contraceptives.
Method: Randomly draw national cross-section samples over 18, including 1,000 women and 1002 men surveyed by phone between October December 12 to November 13, 1994. National representative the sample of 307 obstetricians and gynecologists was named From the Journal of the American Medical Association Master file, survey by phone. Both surveys focus on knowledge and Attitudes towards unplanned pregnancy and contraception Options, including emergency contraception. Despite the response unweighted ratios are 50% and 77%, respectively the sample closely reflects the population they come from was drawn.
Outcome: Americans don't know much about emergencies Birth control pills. Only 36% of respondents said they know that "anything can be done" within a few days A few days after unprotected sex to prevent pregnancy. Fifty-five 100% said they "heared" the emergency contraceptive medically, only 1% have been used. Ninety-nine percent Gynecologist reports "familiar" Emergency contraceptives. 22% is "A bit familiar." Among those who said they were most people consider this method "very familiar" (77%) Emergency contraceptives are "very safe" (88%) And "very effective" (85%). Overall, 70% of obstetricians and gynecologists Respondents said they have prescribed an emergency Contraceptives used in the past year, but rarely Essential 77% of prescription emergency contraceptives the pill did this five times or less.
Rasha Hatem Abbas, Sarab Adnan Waseen, Khulood Abdulwahab Jumaah. Limited knowledge and practice emergency contraceptives, public and obstetricians. Int J Adv Res Med 2019;1(2):27-29. DOI: 10.22271/27069567.2019.v1.i2a.14