Effectiveness of simulated patients based learning over regular classroom learning in students of MBBS Iv in the department of medicine
Author(s): Dr. Pramod Motiram Duthade
Abstract: Bed side clinics are the gold standard but as the number of colleges is increasing the number of patients is slowly decreasing. It is practically impossible to show all the cases to the learning students. But there is a way and it is in this way that the professional actors or the doctors themselves who has knowledge of the disease can enact and thus teach the students. This study puts in a sincere effort to find the answer of which method is better. The study was done on 100 students who attended classes in the Department of Medicine from Jan 2020 to July 2020. This is an educational intervention will be done by Integrated learning for 5hrs of teaching in one month duration and performance of the students are compared for two methods along with the perception. They will be equally divided into two groups by lottery method. One batch will go for traditional lecture classes and the other will be taught using Simulated Patient based teaching. After every class the MCQ test of the students will be taken. The means of the scores will be noted. The mean of all the scores after all the three sessions will be calculated and reported.
Dr. Pramod Motiram Duthade. Effectiveness of simulated patients based learning over regular classroom learning in students of MBBS Iv in the department of medicine. Int J Adv Res Med 2021;3(2):586-588. DOI: 10.22271/27069567.2021.v3.i2i.319