Estimation of gamma-glutamyl transferase with acute coronary syndrome
Author(s): Dr. G Methun Senthur, Dr. K Baburaj and Dr. N Paari
Abstract: Introduction: Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of mortality in India attributing to a quarter of all mortality. Despite spectacular progress in disease prevention, detection and treatment over the last three decades; more CV deaths are caused by ischemic cardiac events. Considering the early mortality rate from acute myocardial infarction (AMI) (30-day), still, death from CVD Carries a higher burden. In several patients, the progressive phenomena of cardiac failure leading to ischemic cardiomyopathy reflects the burden of underlying coronary artery disease. Thus, identification of at risk patients who may be prone for future heart failure after the first myocardial infarction and detection of the extent of future heart failure is the cornerstone of secondary prevention strategies. This might help in prospective treatment in decreasing morbidity and mortality from heart failure following AMI.
Aim & Objective: To study the correlation between the rise in GGT levels and different subsets of Acute Coronary Syndrome. To study the correlation between GGT and the Risk of Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events (MACE).
Materials and Methods: This is a cross-sectional study conducted at Rajah Muthiah Medical College and Hospital. After obtaining clearance from institutional research and ethical committee, informed consent was obtained and patients of ACS in our CCU were selected. Using a standardized method GGT levels were measured and patients were followed up for five days in the hospital for adverse events. This study was done for some time between November 2019 to October 2021 and 75 patients with diagonized ACS were included.
Results and Observations: In this study, there is a significant correlation between the presence of LV dysfunction and high GGT values. Serum levels of GGT were significantly higher in both the ST-elevation-MI and Non-ST-elevation-MI patients but not in unstable angina patients. The patients who suffered complications has a mean GGT Value of 90.22. (IU)/L (SI units). The mean value for patients without MACE is significantly less than 46.44 (IU)/L (SI units).
Conclusion: Gamma-glutamyl transferase levels were significantly elevated above normal in cases of acute coronary syndrome. GGT levels were independently correlated with STEMI and NSTEMI but it did not correlate with unstable angina. There is a significant correlation between GGT levels and the incidence of left ventricular systolic LV dysfunction. The mean value of GGT was significantly higher in patients who suffered from major cardiovascular complications.
DOI: 10.22271/27069567.2021.v3.i2g.292Pages: 477-480 | Views: 953 | Downloads: 349Download Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Dr. G Methun Senthur, Dr. K Baburaj, Dr. N Paari.
Estimation of gamma-glutamyl transferase with acute coronary syndrome. Int J Adv Res Med 2021;3(2):477-480. DOI: