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International Journal of Advanced Research in Medicine
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2021, Vol. 3, Issue 2, Part C

An incidence of ischemic heart disease in women of South India

Author(s): Dr. L Srinivasa Rao, Dr. B Madhava Rao, Dr. D Harshavardhan and Dr. M Rajasekhar Reddy

Abstract: Background: Ischemic heart disease also known as Coronary artery disease is a most common condition in Indian population which allows inadequate supply of blood and oxygen to a portion of the myocardium. It stands as one of the primary causes of death in both men and women and hence need for clinical investigation of IHD in our population is important.
Aim: The study is designed to know the clinical profile of female participants attending tertiary care hospital in south India.
Materials and Methods: All participants included in the study are symptomatic to IHD and biochemical and electrocardiogram was performed to screen the participants and participant’s history is collected.
Results: A total of 140 participants were considered for the study and 120 were identified as IHD positive. Mean age of participants was 55 and most of the incumbents reported chest pain as the major complication followed by other complications like hypertension and diabetes.
Conclusion: The incidence of IHD is found to be highest in 53-57 year age group with diabetes, hypertension and Dyslipidaemia as the major risk factors. Lack of awareness in participants also delayed them in their arrival to hospital. Hence there is an immediate need to conduct awareness campaigns in rural areas of our democratic country.

DOI: 10.22271/27069567.2021.v3.i2c.233

Pages: 147-149 | Views: 915 | Downloads: 359

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International Journal of Advanced Research in Medicine
How to cite this article:
Dr. L Srinivasa Rao, Dr. B Madhava Rao, Dr. D Harshavardhan, Dr. M Rajasekhar Reddy. An incidence of ischemic heart disease in women of South India. Int J Adv Res Med 2021;3(2):147-149. DOI: 10.22271/27069567.2021.v3.i2c.233
International Journal of Advanced Research in Medicine
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