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International Journal of Advanced Research in Medicine
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2019, Vol. 1, Issue 1, Part A

A study on effectiveness of yoga on sympathetic nervous system of the body

Author(s): Sumit Sukaldas Kamble

Abstract: Introduction: Yoga engages the student in the healing process; by playing an active role in their journey toward health, the healing comes from within, instead of from an outside source and a greater sense of autonomy is achieved.
Materials and Methods: This search was conducted to obtain general information regarding yoga's therapeutic effects in the existing literature. Subsequently, a second search was conducted using the following key words or exact phrases, “hatha yoga,” “therapeutic effects of yoga,” “stress,” “anxiety, “depression,” “pain,” and “chronic disease.
Results: Age (Years) of control and study Group: Mean Age + SD of control Group- 42.36±5.209 Mean Ag SD of study Group - 42.22±5.168 There is no significant variation in age of both Groups.
Conclusion: This scientific study suggest that the practicing of yoga bring about a number of physiological and Biochemical changes in the body and rehabilitates various vital organs and make them functionally more competent to resist the stresses.

DOI: 10.22271/27069567.2019.v1.i1a.418

Pages: 80-83 | Views: 705 | Downloads: 263

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International Journal of Advanced Research in Medicine
How to cite this article:
Sumit Sukaldas Kamble. A study on effectiveness of yoga on sympathetic nervous system of the body. Int J Adv Res Med 2019;1(1):80-83. DOI: 10.22271/27069567.2019.v1.i1a.418
International Journal of Advanced Research in Medicine
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